10 smart driving tips to maximize fuel efficiency
Whether driving on pure gas or a plug-in vehicle, there are more ways to save than super-slow driving. With gas prices predicted to rise past the $2/litre threshold in 2023, where Canadian diesel prices have stubbornly remained for a prolonged period it’s worth looking at any way for driver to save money, especially with inflation eating away at savings and raising prices everywhere.
But there can be different strategies and driving techniques depending on whether you’re driving a traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle or an Electric Vehicle (EV) of any type, whether plug-in hybrid (PHEV) or a battery electric (BEV) that uses electrons only. Yes, traditional fuel-saving tips such as ‘accelerate slowly’ and ‘avoid exceeding the speed limit’ will help, but newer vehicle technologies bring different efficiency strategies that may or may not be the same depending on what vehicle you’re driving.
Here are 10 tips and strategies that go beyond super-conservative driving techniques that will help save drivers money: the first five no matter which fuel used, while the next five pertain more to plug-in vehicles specifically.
For plug-in vehicle owners
Search out all home charger incentive programs. Most potential buyers will be aware of the new vehicle government rebates offered now in most provinces. But there are also various types of local government or utility green rebates which provide subsidized or low cost loans for home EV charging stations (EVSEs), which provide a quicker overnight charge to all-electric vehicles, though the standard 110-volt charge cord may work overnight for some PHEV owners
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